Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Episode 6 "30 is the new 10"

Our longest episode yet! Comedian and friend, Erica Clark, stops by the Wake Up With Wine studio apartment and shares some truly horrific (and hilarious) stories.

We talk about comedy, our lives, In Living Color auditions, Home Alone, and try to avoid mentioning her dad (Mr. T). 

This week's wine is Radio Boca Temparanillo: http://www.radiobocawines.com/

Friday, November 11, 2011

Episode 4: "I was at Bonny's before it was Bonny's"

Wake Up With Wine welcomes our first best guest so far; Andrew Tisher. 

He's an improviser, funny man, and a man's man. He's also on Twitter (@tishertisher), but he doesn't tweet. He just follows Gary Richardson. 

Tish helps us shake off those improv cobwebs. Natalie doesn't drink because she's celebrating NO(vember). 

We gossip. We drink. We cackle. We also keep tabs on Jennifer Anniston, since no one's heard from her in years. 

Today's wine: Santa Alicia, Sauvignon Blanc. It won an award from the Czech Republic. I mean, that's gotta count for something, right?

Episode 2 "Get the Fuck out of my way, Audrey Tatou"

This episode brought to you with help from Gato Negro Sauvignon Blanc. $4.99. What a deal!

Technical difficulties prevented prompt recording. Natalie recalls a bar she once went to (thanks Yelp!) Natalie has a mission to help the world understand her point of view on crosswalks.

Dan wonders if he eats weird. Natalie exacerbates that worry. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011