Saturday, February 18, 2012

Episode 9: One Minute you're on top of the world, the next minute you're a wife.


I know, I know. We've been bad about posting and we're so sorry for letting America down. We've just been so crushed by the death of Whitney Houston and the death of America's greatest podcast: The Lavender Hour. We're gonna miss Duncan and Natasha... but they've probably gone to a better place.
But their death just leaves room for Natalie and Dan and their Wino nation to take over the podcasting world, right? Right? (crickets)

Dan weighs in on Whitney's authentic "blackness" (which is something no white person should ever do. Ever.
Natalie recalls a cruise ship performance of "The Greatest Love of All."

This week's sponsor: Rene Barbier White wine.

Episode 8: Turns out frostbite looks a lot like meth

Natalie and Dan go see Kathy Griffin at the Chicago Theater, drink too much and then record a podcast episode. Why not, right?

Episode 7

A special episode for our Russian listeners